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Back Roads Bill in Your Community

Align your tourism assets with a digital strategy. Visitors are looking for “value-added” experiences to be part of your package.

There are many “gems” in our backyards and we have to get visitors into our communities and beyond to see the beauty of Northern Ontario in all four seasons. We are looking for those unique vistas, trails, waterfalls, rock formations; those natural and cultural features that need a “boost.” Your trails and access points are important parts of the “minute and a bit” video with Back Roads Bill. Also, you will want a sighting of the Northern One-Horned Sasquatch in your area!

First step. Send Back Roads Bill a story or destination idea. These videos, story, maps, photos and digital files (GPS and KMZ) can be linked to all social media and you will want to track the progress. The production of this package is through the Canadian Ecology Centre, a non-profit outdoor education centre ( Let’s talk about how to leverage dollars.

Click here to download a poster to distribute to your tourism partners POSTER


Back Roads Bill in your Community